With all the worry and unease of the past two years, it seems that people are becoming less risk-averse when it comes to making changes in their careers. In fact, as we all try to put all the doom and gloom of the pandemic firmly behind us the job market is booming. With our lives being in a state of flux for the past 2 years it’s understandable that even a small niggle when it comes to your current role may make you check the job boards and consider if the grass might be greener on the other side.
We all need dependable business models that offer something back in return for employee longevity. We believe it’s down to the businesses to show both current and prospective employees just why it’s worth sticking around.
On average, it costs employers £30,000 to replace an employee and it can take an average of 28 weeks to onboard and train new people. So, while the only constant is change, it’s worth Boards and senior managers giving serious thought to their employee turnover rate if they’re concerned about profitability. Implementing just a few small changes could be the difference between retaining or retraining your workforce.
It’s not always an easy change to make but businesses that find that they’re struggling to attract the people they need or keep the ones they’ve got, have to take action and invest in building a business that recruits and more importantly retains the best team. Let us take you through some quick and easy suggestions you and your business can make.
Get your onboarding experience right

Speak to your current team and ask them what worked and what didn’t in their own onboarding process. Consider an unforgettable onboarding pack for your new hires that’s unique to your brand. A branded thermal bottle to ensure they’re staying well and hydrated, a sleek branded pen so they’re looking at your brand throughout the day and a useful branded tote bag are small gestures that go a long way to helping your new start feel like one of the team.
Please use the form below to request more info about our staff onboarding packs.
Engage Engage Engage

Don’t forget about them once they’re onboarded. Are they still happy? Keep the lines of communication open and ensure regular reviews make them feel engaged and able to raise any issues. You could consider regular touchpoints for your staff in the form of bonuses or gifts sent directly to their house for home workers or their desk for those in the office. Imagine a tasty treat landing right on your desk- engaging and delicious.
Please use the form at the foot of the page to request more info about our doorstep delivery treats.
Convenience and comfort

If your team is out in the field wearing your brand every day they need comfortable uniforms that are fit for purpose. Let us help you with a tailor-made solution for your branded workwear that meets your needs as a business. If your team are comfortable and happy in their uniforms it not only allows your brand to speak for itself but it ensures a happier and more engaged team of colleagues.
If you’re thinking about upgrading your own onboarding, we’re here to help and share our own ideas to help you get the best from your onboarding process. Fill in the contact form below to talk to one of our experts about the best options for you and your employees.
Please use the form at the foot of the page to request more info about tailor-made uniforms.